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Microsoft Project Configuration

The Microsoft Project Configuration screen

The Project to Altus configuration is managed through Microsoft Project Config. This configuration setting allows you to:

  • Turn on or off the feature.
  • Set what user groups can use the feature.
  • Create field mappings between Altus and Microsoft Project.

Turning the feature On or Off

The Altus for Project feature is turned on by default. Note: If users do not have the Altus for Project Add-in installed on their PC, they are unable to use the feature even if it is turned on.

This feature is turned on or off through the Allow Microsoft Project Sync setting.

The Microsoft Project Configuration screen focused on the Allow Microsoft Project Sync section

User Access to the feature

You can select what Security Roles have access to this feature.

The Microsoft Project Configuration screen focused on the Security Roles section

These Security Roles have been split into two settings:

  • Security Roles - Project Linking: users within these roles can use the feature to connect their Microsoft Project plans to Altus projects.
  • Security Roles - Project Unlinking: users within these roles can unlink Microsoft Project plans from Altus projects.

These roles have been separated because unlinking a project needs more consideration than linking. For example: If a project is in flight, it has been baselined and is being reported on, unlinking this project will remove all the schedule and effort data from Altus. All the project progress information on the project will be lost, and if time sheet records were generated from tasks within this project it will create orphan time sheet records within Altus.

Microsoft Project to Altus Field Mapping

Within the Microsoft Project Config setting in Altus there are sections related to field mapping.

There are two types of field mapping:

  1. Standard Field Mapping: these are fields that have been setup so that the core information from Microsoft Project can be mapped and display within Altus. These values have been setup as part of the solution and cannot be edited.
  2. Custom Field Mapping: these are fields that clients can use to map custom fields from Microsoft Project to their Altus environment.

Standard Field Mapping

The following Task and Task Resource fields form part of the Standard Field Mapping that has been setup for Microsoft Project and the Altus Task fields. These are not editable.

Project Field Altus Field
Name Task Name
Schedule Mode Schedule Type
Task Type Task Type
Summary Summary
Milestone Milestone
Start Start
Finish Finish
Duration Duration
Work Effort (Hours)
Actual Work Effort Completed (Hours)
Deadline Due Date
Resource Name Resource Assignment - Name
Resource Units Resource Assignment - Units (%)
Notes Notes

There are additional Resource field mappings that are generated as part of the Build Team process within Project that are not included in the list above.

Custom Field Mappings

You can add additional custom field mappings to your settings.

Altus fields will not be created automatically, they must be created and configured within the Altus Config Settings > Microsoft Project Config.

Supported Field types are included in the below table.

MS Project Dataverse
Text String
Text OptionSet
Text (',' separated) OptionSet (MultiSelect)
Date Date
Number Int
Number Float
Number Decimal
Number Money
Number OptionSet
Start Date
Finish Date
Cost Int
Cost Money
Cost Decimal
Flag Boolean
Flag OptionSet

Flag OptionSet is limited to Yes/No label mapping. OptionSet Labels must not contain ',' values for MultiSelect to work as the comma is assumed to be delimiter separating each item. OptionSets assume that you know that Label not the OptionSet Value. Mappings will be between the value in MS Project and the OptionSet Label only.


Any fields that you map will need to be communicated to your Microsoft Project users, as the corresponding fields will need to be created exactly as you have typed them here, within their Microsoft Project Plans. This includes the field being of the exact type and if it is a drop-down it must contain the exact options. Custom Fields with alternative label will only be recognised by the custom field label as shown as (Text7) found by hovering over the alternative label.
Example of custom label 'Target Utilisation' assigned to custom field 'Text7'


If users edit fields that have been mapped within their Project plan it can break this linkage.

To create Custom Field Mapping

  1. Click the New Field Mapping button. This screen displays the New Field Mapping button within the Custom Field Mapping section of Settings page
    This will open the Field Mapping screen. This screen displays the Field Mapping screen
  2. Within the Microsoft Project Field section, type the Name of the field within Microsoft Project you would like to map.
  3. Within the Altus Field section, select the Project Task field that you would like to map to in Altus. The drop-down list will change depending on the Table you selected in the previous step.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Repeat the above process to add any additional fields.
  6. Save your changes to this page.